'clicks pops'
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tittle BotBr date score favs format
synthetic garden SBX 8000
2008-05-12 12:23:00 5.000 1
IDMam1 innominate
2007-05-19 06:07:32 5.267 0
IDMam2 innominate
2007-06-12 04:36:14 4.667 0
pocket_dial blank
2007-05-23 16:59:01 4.857 0
daftexpe Pnok
2007-05-21 02:44:21 3.923 0
a bit artooish bleep Mr.Eeh
2007-05-23 09:31:05 4.000 0
a bit artooish bloop Mr.Eeh
2007-05-23 09:46:33 4.455 0
Record crackle Gubernatorial
2007-06-12 03:39:33 5.643 0
Dance beat Warlord
2007-06-04 10:47:36 5.000 0
Future beat Warlord
2007-06-04 10:51:49 5.100 1
Rythm One SBX 8000
2007-12-12 19:55:37 3.000 0
2007-12-14 06:09:41 4.222 0
bent math && speak Baron Knoxburry
2006-09-26 01:12:17 5.500 1
tektypebeat SBX 8000
2008-05-12 12:24:14 4.455 0
Mini-disc advance tones blank
2008-05-16 04:52:05 3.600 0
Detroit IV_cover.png Agentflit
2008-05-22 08:58:32 3.917 0
channel f glitchy mess b00daw
2008-11-25 21:05:01 4.000 2
my aunt marches b00daw
2008-12-02 10:14:59 5.077 1
vicky became sexy when she was 20 b00daw
2008-11-25 21:15:08 4.143 3
Breakolyze dr von pnok
2008-12-02 10:06:05 5.714 1
Scream Out Your Eternal Angst Kulor
2008-12-02 10:08:54 3.385 1
number_cow sample 165 captainmarmalad
2008-12-02 10:03:16 4.000 0
Cough Up Kulor
2008-12-04 17:24:42 3.385 1
pitsandpots SBX 8000
2008-12-06 09:04:40 3.182 0
omuf tangina
2006-05-06 20:08:45 5.583 0
mic+surfaces AROtotheN
2005-06-01 09:47:58 4.118 0
Glitchy1 innominate
2005-06-01 01:30:30 5.250 0
Tick Click1 innominate
2005-05-31 23:05:44 4.500 1
Thousands of microscopic Loops Gubernatorial
2005-06-04 18:39:45 3.846 0
testloop Baron Knoxburry
2005-10-22 00:32:34 5.000 1
BeechSlapYaBoss ConSuPerMiZo
2006-06-23 15:27:47 Σ18.811 0
Bass for the space DaFus
2005-10-28 21:15:44 4.778 1
More Igor Mesothelioma
2005-10-31 01:19:40 5.455 0
ytard Vello Jiolence
2005-10-31 04:20:46 4.917 1
mouth sounds Gubernatorial
2005-11-04 00:02:45 5.167 0
Candy Wrapper Gubernatorial
2005-11-04 16:04:14 5.000 0
145bpm tinsler Baron Knoxburry
2005-06-06 19:42:10 5.133 0
00000000 tylerb
2006-05-05 11:52:41 3.000 1
00000f00 tylerb
2006-05-05 11:53:38 3.462 0
00280045 tylerb
2006-05-05 11:54:31 3.615 0
7cf64956 tylerb
2006-05-05 11:55:30 4.000 1
Everything is nice in Brussels RUR
2006-05-11 07:08:32 4.727 0
Everything is weird in Brussels RUR
2006-05-11 07:18:48 4.200 0
Nanoloop melody 1 RUR
2006-09-15 13:21:52 3.917 0
Nanoloop melody (normal) RUR
2006-09-15 13:25:27 3.750 0
EARE tangina
2006-09-16 12:55:51 4.667 0
fked2 Gubernatorial
2006-09-18 18:26:20 5.300 0